Start Up Genome SurveyA few weeks ago, many of you participated in a survey conducted by the Alberta Innovation Corridor asking how the COVID-19 and economic crises were hitting Alberta startups. The corridor partners (CED, Innovate Edmonton, Platform Calgary) have since communicated these impacts to government representatives to advocate on the ecosystem’s behalf. The corridor partners have now also partnered with Startup Genome to compare our ecosystem’s trends, policies, and financial support for startups with other jurisdictions around the world. This partnership will help us gain insights on how those that were hit earlier are responding to learn what is working, and what is a waste of time. To support this initiative, we ask for your continued help by participating in regular surveys (every 2 months) to be conducted by Startup Genome. The founder survey takes 5-6 minutes to complete and is completely confidential. All startups’ data are aggregated and anonymized. This survey is geared toward technology startup founders of companies <10 years old. ● If you closed your startup permanently, start from here ● If you are working to continue, even with paused operations, click here Please pass on these links to anyone you know who has a start up. Ecosystem ResourcesStaying connected to the ecosystem is vital to our recovery. Many groups and organizations have pivoted to offering online courses, webinars, and meetups. Weekly at Lunch Without Lunch the community shares their knowledge of the many offerings. Start Up Calgary Data for Good Civic Tech Listen & Learn![]() The Rainforest Podcast continues to post a weekly conversation between to community members. There are over 60 episodes with hosts and guests across Edmonton and Calgary. The podcast is also hosted by a mix of community members - hosts are always needed.
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June 2022